Biyernes, Hunyo 6, 2014

All about Optical Microscope

Optical microscope may be the first type that was invented but it is still being used in different industries until today. It is commonly termed as the ‘light microscope’ as it utilizes natural light to illuminate the specimen. If you wondering what type of microscope you should use for a specific function, you may want to get to know further the optical microscope.

Controversial History

There is no true evidence yet of who really invented the optical microscope. They said that Zacharias Janssen was the one who invented it. This is supported by his countrymen and made several testimonies in the years 1634 and 1655. The competitor of Janssen, Hans Lippershey, also claimed of having invented to first optical microscope. However, the famous Galileo Galilee also is being considered as the true inventor of microscope. This is due to his invention of the ‘occhiolino’ which is known today as the compound microscope. This was renamed as ‘microscope’ by Giovanni Faber a year later.

Components of Optical Microscope

The components of optical microscope are not as technical as others. That is why this is still the most preferred types by teachers and even experts. This microscope uses light to transmit images and so it does not require electricity. There are several basic parts of optical microscope. These are the eyepiece, objective lenses, revolving nosepiece, focus knob, mechanical stage, light source, diaphragm and the stage. The basic pieces work together to provide magnification to the tiniest objects invisible to the human eyes.

Knowing the Trends

Optical Microscopes may be the first one to be ever invented but it still competes with the other types. This microscope is more preferred than the other ones due to its basic features. This is very ideal in a classroom set-up where students are taught, for the first time, on how to use a microscope. Even hobbyists find optical microscopes as better than the others especially when viewing a specific kind of specimen.

The trend nowadays is to look for high-technological advances in optical microscope. There are ones that can be added with a digital microscope camera to capture a certain view of the specimen. This is connected to a computer and can be printed out immediately. Further, the photo can be sent to other people via the internet.

There are also several brands that offer optical microscopes for specific function. There is a model specifically for botanist, doctors and teachers. With that comes several official dealers who distributes branded microscopes at an affordable price. For example, the Nikon dealer demo lab microscopes is used by laboratories as it has a special feature that goes with the product.


Optical microscopes will never be out of the market. There may be several emerging kinds but nothing will compete with the easy and human-friendly features of the optical types. If you are looking for the perfect microscope for your needs, you may want to consider having optical microscopes instead, you may find it at Nikon dealer demo lab microscopes. Talk to an expert about it or review other products for comparison.

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